Thursday, February 23, 2012

Common Core Assessment Packet {Freebies}

Finally...the long awaited Common Core Assessments for third and fourth quarter are here! A list of required materials is included at the end of each file. I hope you will find these useful, and please let me know if you have any questions! 

Download the combined Common Core Complete Assessment Packet if you want to keep all your assessments together in one packet. This easy-to-use packet includes every kindergarten common core standard in sequence. Just check off the boxes to indicate which standards you'll be assessing each quarter. 

Download the Common Core Assessments Pack if you'd like to have each quarter in a separate packet. The standards are already separated into four quarters based upon how my colleagues decided to divide them, so this will be less customizable than the packet above. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! We are going to Common Core Next year, so I am on the lookout for Common Core Materials:)

  2. Thanks so much for creating and sharing these, however I was having trouble downloading them, is there a possiblity that you could send them to me?


  3. These are amazing! My team tried to create assessments for the Common Core this year, but we aren't in love with the ones we created. I can't wait to share these with my team! Thank you for sharing!

    Mrs. Krull
    Of Primary Importance

  4. I am having trouble downloading these, but would LOVE to use them. Would it be possible to email them to me? My email addy is

    Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

  5. Thanks for sharing! I've been waiting for these since you posted the first 2 sets--which I loved. We'll officially be starting our common core teaching next year, and I know I'll be so glad to have this start! Thanks again!
    Hangin' with Mrs. Cooper

  6. These are so wonderful...can't wait to show them to my co-teacher. She will be overcome with JOY as am I.

  7. Thanks for sharing. We are going with Common Core next year and I am putting this in my CCGPS folder.
    Ms. McBee’s Kinderbugs

  8. Thank you so much! Our District was working towards common core, but now it is on hold. I still want to begin using them in my own way and these assessments are really great! Thank you!

  9. Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this with us! It will really come in handy.

  10. Thanks for taking the time to create this document but also for sharing it free. I appreciate it.

  11. Oh my goodness! I feel like I just won the lottery!!! Sad, yes, but true. lol These will be very helpful - thanks for creating and sharing for FREE!

  12. Thank you so much for sharing! Like the others I feel like I've hit the jackpot by finding such useful material!

  13. Wow! These are amazing! I just found your blog and you are so creative! Thanks for sharing!
    I am having a giveaway! Come visit me!
    Happy Weekend!:)
    Crayons and Curls

  14. These are incredible! Thank you so much!!

  15. Wow - you rock! Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

  16. These are fantastic and SO SUPER USEFUL!! Thank you for being generous and sharing. I HAD to pin this and direct people your way!!


  17. This is amazing and it is even more amazing that you are sharing it for free!!

  18. Hi, I just found your blog and love it. Thanks for sharing all of your stuff.

  19. These assessments are amazing! Just wondering if your school colleagues have created similar assessments for all grade levels (K-5). I would LOVE to get a copy!

  20. Hi Mrs. Ricca! I hope your week is seusstastic! I have an award for you. :) Come on over and get it.


  21. What a wonderful resource for my kinder - thanks!

  22. Thank you thank you thank you!! These are awesome! Thanks for sharing these for FREE!

  23. These are great! Do you know if you or others are working on other grades as well? I teach first and would love this!!! I will share this with my K friends though! Great work!

  24. Hello! We are a group of Kindergarten teachers who are working on assessments for next year. One of our teachers came across your document and we LOVE it! You are awesome! Our school works on trimesters, so we were wondering if there's any way you could email us your document so we can adjust it into trimesters? Thanks you so much!


  25. love it thank you for sharing. I will share this with my Knd team.Thanks again!

  26. You are a lifesaver! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work! I will share the common core assessments with my colleagues. This is just what we have been working on. You did a fantastic job!

  27. This is AWESOME! I am a 1st grade teacher, and I am wondering if your colleagues in 1st grade have something like this to share?

  28. Can't thank you enough for sharing this....It saved our K teachers TONS of work. I showed it at a staff meeting tonight and other grade levels wonder if there is anything like this available for them....any suggestions? Again, thanks for sharing!

  29. Are there any second grade CCSS assessment made and aligned by your school? Great job with K.

  30. Wow!! Thank you SO much for this Kinder CC Assessment packet! What a great tool for you to share!!!

  31. Just found your blog. What great ideas and resources...Thanks!

  32. I am wondering if your school has this for first grade. If not, would I be able to get the file from you so that I could adapt it for first grade?

  33. Hi there! I love your blog and these assessments ! I have a question for you! We had a team planning meeting yesterday and I showed this to my team. We started using it to try to sort out the common core, but it seemed to be missing at least one whole section? All of the investigations parts of LA common core? Is your district not using CC in it's entirety? We are just trying to work through this together! Thanks for any help you can offer!!!

  34. I looked for an email address on your blog but didn't find one. My colleagues and I LOVE your common core assessment and would love to use it for our kindergartens next year. However we are on trimesters and would like to modify what you have to accommodate this. Do you have the combined assessment in a word document? If so, is there any way you'd be willing to share it?!! We would be so grateful! Email

  35. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing! Coming down from 1st this year, this makes Common Core seem much more manageable. Thank you!

  36. Love your common core assessments! Could you please send these to me through email in a Word document? THANKS!!

  37. Wow! Also love these and was wondering if you would be willing to email them in a Word Document? There are some we will need to add as well. Thanks so much!

    Amber :)

  38. Thank you so much for this freebie! I am a first year teacher and it was handy to have this all in one place! :)

  39. These are great! I was also wondering if you would be willing to send them to me in a Word Document. My team and I want to use the same format for our Science and Social Studies assessments.
    Thank You So Much!!!!

  40. WOW!!! I love your assessments and am so grateful for your willingness to share for free!! I would love to have these in a form that we could modify to fit our order of implementation... if you could, I'd really appreciate it!! Martha Todd

    1. If this is possible, would you also send to me? That way I can meet with my team and we can modify to our order of implementation as well. =)

  41. These are GREAT!! Thank you for sharing!

  42. You have made my summer!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!

  43. Do you have one available for first grade? Thanks!

  44. WONDERFUL assessment packet! It is so nice of you to share it for free. Our district's pacing is a little different than what you have in your packet. Do you have an editable one that you can email by chance? Or one available for purchase? Thanks :)

  45. Love, love, love! Your document is making it possible for all K teachers in our district to finally have common assessments. There are a few we would like to add. Can you email me an editable version? I would really appreciate it! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  46. I am joining the list. :) Thanks so much. If you are willing to share a copy in (word, powerpoint or publisher) I would love a copy.

  47. Hi Nicole! My K team loves your CCKAssessment (combined)! Would it be possible to get a copy of the word document emailed to me so we can edit it to fit our needs? My email address is! Thank you so much!

    newest follower,
    Lanier's Kindergarten Lions

    1. Hi Nicole! When I ran across your CCK Assessment I was so excited! Our district wants us to use their newly designed Common Core Report Card but we were not provided any useful assessments to help us. We have to make it fit our quarter benchmarks. Are you still willing to email the Word document so I can make the necessary adjustments? If so, I would LOVE a copy! I would have been more than happy to purchase it on TPT, you might want to consider that after all the time and effort you put into preparing this assessment. One thing I need to add is a scoring guide for each standard. If anyone else has already done that I would love to see a copy. My email is Thank you so much! Debbie Opfer

  48. One of our K teachers found this resource. It is fabulous! Quick question. Has your first or second grade created a similar assessment? Thanks for sharing.

  49. Do you happen to have a similar assessment for first grade?

  50. Thank you for sharing. This document is of great help. This year we have to create all of the assessments for Kindergarten Common Core Standards and this gives us a great place to begin our journey with Common Core.

  51. I love these! Thank you for sharing your hard work. I am curious if you have editable versions? Or editable versions we could purchase? Our pacing is a little different, and would be great to add a scoring rubric. THANK YOU!

  52. Thank you soooo much!!!!! I found your assessments just at the right time!!!! You are so gracious to share your work!

  53. This is such a great assessment! It is obvious that you spent a lot of time and effort on this. Thank you for sharing it with the public. As many of other have stated, do you happen to have this in an editable version that you would be willing to pass on? I would like to use parts of it in my classroom, but would like to put it in the order I teach those concepts. My email is Thank you again for all your hard work!

  54. This is such a wonderful assessment! You have done some great work! I have been working towards this, but my versions are way too long!!! However, when I attempted to print this, there were splotches all over it. Is that a copyright issue? If so, is there a way I can print and use this?
    PS: LOVE this!

  55. I would like to know if this is available in a Word format or something that will allow me to add to the assessment. My principal loves this and my kindergarten teachers were thankful to have such a wonderful resource however there are a few more items we want to add due to requirements within our district. I would be willing to pay for a format that I can edit. My email is Thank you!

  56. Thanks for creating the assessment packet. This is just what we needed!

  57. How do you use this for grading purposes? We are trying to simplify our assessments and are intrigued by yours; however, we use FAME scores and are not sure how we could use this idea.

    1. We basically use it as a checklist to determine whether or not the student is meeting each standard. Our report card has the standards broken down individually, and we have three grades (NY - not yet meeting standard, DP - developing proficiency towards standard, MP - meeting with proficiency). For most of the standards, if they complete the task/answer the question correctly, we give an MP. Partially correct, a DP. But we also take into account student work and our personal observations of their abilities.

      Sorry, I'm not sure what FAME is...I haven't used that before!

  58. Wow I just want to say thank you for providing this! I am first year Kindergarten teacher at a private school with very little assistance in curriculum and assessment department and this has really saved me a TON of time and really helped me simplify my assessments! Thank you again! You rock!

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad to be able to help! Good luck!! :)

  59. Thank you so much for all the work gone into this assessment! I am having trouble downloading, but am anxious to put this resource to good use here. If you could, I would love if you would send the assessment to me via e-mail:

    Thanks a million!

  60. These are so amazing. Thank you for sharing. I can imagine how long these things take to create so KUDOS!!

  61. Thank you so much for posting this assessment packet! My team was very excited to find this and we have forwarded it to our District. Would it be possible to see a copy of your District's Report Card to see how it translates from the Assessment packet to the Report Card? Thank you so much.

  62. Thank you so much for posting this fabulous packet! I found it a year ago, when our school was starting to prep for Common Core. We are now working to implement it next year, and we want to use your assessment packet as a progress report in kindergarten. It is perfect for parents - no technical teacher-speak. :) However, our district has recoded the strands so ours won't match up with the nation-wide CCS coding system (i.e. all K.SL standard are labeled K.SL, not K.SL.1, K.SL.2, etc.). Would it be possible to get a copy of this in a Word/Excel format, so we can change the coding to match our district? We really would like to use this. Thank you so much!

  63. This is AMAZING! Thank you so much for sharing this!
    Monica R

  64. Working on common core lesson plans for a new book titled 'The Best Bear Hugs Ever.' I feel this book will be good for working on opinion writing, dictating and drawing among other things. You can read a shortened version of the story at

    Hope to see some of you at the Las Vegas National Kindergarten Conference - booth 132.
    Best Hugs - Scott(author)

  65. Having trouble downloading. Could you please email it to Thanks

    1. Sorry for the delay. I just emailed you!

    2. Could you please forward the version to me????

  66. I love this assessment packet. It is everything and more. Our district does not include all of the Common Core Standards on our report card. Is there anyway that you could send a editable version so I could just cut the standards out that do not match our report cards. Thanks!

  67. LOVE IT! We love this and as others have mentioned, we would like to be able to make it district specific. Would it be possible to have an editable version sent via email? (
    Thank you so mush for sharing! :)

  68. This. Is. AMAZING! I am a first grade teacher at a turnaround school on the west side of Chicago. A K colleague shared this with me and I want to build one just like it. Is there any way you could share the word doc? This template is just perfect. I would of course in turn send you back my completed work for you to share and give you credit for the awesome template/idea! Thank you so much!

  69. This is amazing. I was wondering if you could KINDLY email me the document so that I could edit it? When I download this one, I am not able. PLEASE help! Thank you

  70. This is great! Would love if you could email the doc also so I can cut and paste the sections to align with when we teach the skills. Thank you! Christa

  71. These are so amazing! These take a huge load off of my mind! Thank you!


  72. Do you know that Billings Public Schools in Montana is using your assessment? I hope that you were paid for your work.

  73. OH my goodness!
    Thanks for your hard work!

  74. Thank you so much! This is going to save me a lot of time! I greatly appreciate your kindness!

  75. Would you mind to email this document to me so our tier can align it with our pacing guide?

  76. thank you so much! Our District was working towards common core, but now it is on hold. I still want to begin using them in my own way and these assessments are really great! Thank you!

  77. I'm so thankful you've created this incredibly high caliber assessment packet! The format is completely user friendly! I'm wondering, along with many others, if you could possibly email a microsoft word version of the document, so I can align the standards with my report card pacing? Thanks!

  78. Thank you! What a wonderful assessment pack. Is there anyway you could email me one where I could change the common core to the new Florida CC standards?

  79. So grateful for this document! Blessings :)

  80. You literally just saved my life (well, my school admin's b/c she is incompetent). I'm a last minute replacement and we have 2 weeks of school left...and I have NO materials. I hope they do well!!!

  81. Hello,
    I was just wondering if this is the only assessment that you use for each marking period. Also is there a place to look for how many problems you put on an assessment? My co-teacher sometimes feels the need to have a certain number of problems so she can get an accurate score, If you can e-mail me at Thanks Dawn I also love how the assessments are so consolidated.

  82. Hi Mrs. Ricca, I am writing to request a Word version of your phenomenal ccssm. I would love to fine tune it a little to best utilize it in my class.

    Thanks for your time and great work.


  83. hi mrs ricca,its so nice of you to share for free ,please do you have it in word format would love to adjust it to suit my class,thanks for your time

  84. I'm a fourth grade teacher who is tutoring a child going into first grade this summer. This is SO helpful! It gives me a quick way to see where he's at so I can make sure he's ready for 1st grade. Thank you SO much for making this available!

  85. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking.
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