Aah! Fall is here...the leaves are changing, the air is crisp. It's my favorite season! As soon as the first leaf falls, I'm ready for some hot apple cider and pumpkin pie! My kids have really been enjoying the season, too! We've been having a blast studying pumpkins, apples, and leaves in kindergarten!
We observed the outside and inside of a pumpkin. We wrote words to describe the pumpkin and made a pumpkin diagram. Then we each got our own mini-pumpkin and wrote nonfiction books about our pumpkins in writing workshop.
We observed lots of different apples, read books about apples, and wrote nonfiction books about apples in writing workshop! We practiced labeling and writing pattern sentences.
We turned the letter A into an apple at the art center!
We tasted different apples and graphed our favorites. Red had the most votes and yellow had the least!
Finally, we read Ten Apples Up On Top and modeled different combinations of 10 on our giant ten frame. Then we each made a different combination of apples on top of our heads!
We had so much fun being scientists and observing leaves! We also read books about leaves and then wrote our own nonfiction books about our leaves during writing workshop. We practiced adding details to our drawings and writing labels.
I made some resources to keep in the children's writing folders during our leaf writing. I included a mini word wall and diagram. You can download the leaf resources HERE.
We also made leaf rubbings! (I didn't get a photo of those yet.)
Math Centers
Race to Ten - Roll the die and put the correct number of leaves on the ten frame. First to reach 10 wins! I found the plastic leaves in the Target Dollar Spot!
Click here for the free Race to Ten template.
Click here for the free Race to Ten template.

Stacking Apples - Roll the die, stack the cubes, and place them on the correct numeral.
More or Less - We roll the die and add leaves
to our tree. Then we figure out who has more and who has less. Click
here for the More or Less work mats. This activity was inspired by Mrs. Lee!
Race to 10 - We roll the die and put the correct number of spiders in our "ten frame." The ten frames are pumpkin ice cube trays from Dollar Tree!
Race to Trace - Roll the cube and trace the correct number.
Spider Spin & Count - Spin the spinner, count the spiders using the ten frame, then draw and write the amount on the sheet.
Five Frame Spin & Color - spin the spinner, say the number, color in the correct apple.
Literacy Centers

Race to 10 - We roll the die and put the correct number of spiders in our "ten frame." The ten frames are pumpkin ice cube trays from Dollar Tree!
Race to Trace - Roll the cube and trace the correct number.

Spider Spin & Count - Spin the spinner, count the spiders using the ten frame, then draw and write the amount on the sheet.
Five Frame Spin & Color - spin the spinner, say the number, color in the correct apple.
Spider Facts - We practiced the number 8 by making spiders with 8 eyes and 8 legs!
Here is the writing template for the Spider Facts activity.

Literacy Centers
Syllable Sort & Stamp - we sort pictures by syllables, then stamp the syllables with a dot marker.
Trace Stamp Write - We pick an apple, then trace, stamp, and write the word.
Pumpkin Letter Hunt - We go fishing for letters inside the pumpkin, then say the letter and color in the matching letter on our sheet.
Pumpkin Letter Hunt - We go fishing for letters inside the pumpkin, then say the letter and color in the matching letter on our sheet.
Roll a Word - Roll the cube, read the word, write it on the graph.
And just for fun, we turned paper plates into Jack-O-Lanterns!
Most of these math and literacy center activities are included in my Fall Centers Pack!
And be sure to check out these FREEBIES if you don't already have them! I know it's late for these now, but you might want them for next year!
P.S. I recently updated my fall pack to include a couple of new activities, but I had a hard drive mishap this week! My drive died and I haven't backed it up in a few months (not smart)! So, it's at the repair shop now and I'm hoping they can recover most of the data. It's going to cost a ton, but my entire life is on that drive! Once I get it back, I will upload the updated version of the pack!