Sunday, May 26, 2013

Down by the Sea Centers + FREEBIE

We wrapped up the year with an ocean theme and had such a blast these past couple weeks! All of these activities (and more) are part of my Down by the Sea Math & Literacy Centers!

Fishin' Addition
We go fishing with our partner, then we add up both of our catches and record the equations.
 Marine Measuring
We use cubes to measure the different sea animals.
 Shark Attack
We compare numbers and make the sharks eat the bigger numbers.
 Ten Frame Race
We roll a ten frame cube, count the sea creatures, and trace the correct numeral.
 Skip Counting Crabs
We sequence the crabs in the pocket chart and then cut and paste the crabs in order on sentence strips.
 Seashell Patterns
We use seashells to make patterns and then color our patterns on the recording sheet.
 Fishing for Sight Words
We go fishing for sight words and write the words we catch.
 Digging for Crabs
We dig crabs from the sand and write the ending sounds on the recording sheet.
 Label the Turtle
We label a turtle and then record the words on the labeling sheet.
 Beach Ball Bash
We sort beach balls by middle sounds and record the words under the correct ball.
 Beach Blends
We roll a cube and record the beginning blend or digraph on the graph.
Roll a Word
We roll a beach ball with our partners and write the words that land under our hand.
 Sandcastle Sounds
We dig objects out of a pail and write the beginning sounds on the recording sheet.
Seashell Segmenting
We choose a shell, segment the sounds, and use stamps to spell the words.
 Seashell Syllables
We sort seashells into the pails by how many syllables are in the words. Then we use do-a-dot markers to stamp the syllables.
Seashell Sight Words
We dig up seashells and then write the sight words in the sand.

Hope you enjoyed! Check out my Down by the Sea Centers for more oceans of fun!!!!

Here is your FREEBIE! This Add & Cover game is just a sample of what is included in the unit. Students can use cubes or other counters to play this game, along with a set of dice. Enjoy!


  1. I just LOVE your ideas and units and blog!! Happy Almost Summer!!

  2. Super cute activities! love the digging for shells in sand and then writing it in the sand!


    Table Talk with C & C

  3. Hi Ricca,

    Really creative,cool stuffs.keep adding


  4. What program do you use to make all your cute activities?

    1. For many of these items I used Word, but now I use PowerPoint and it is SO much easier!

    2. What about your clip art? I'm looking for a clipart/font program that I may want to buy.

    3. Mostly, I use clipart from Scrappin Doodles. They have the cutest clipart!

  5. My son's teachers were always available to discuss his progress or any issues going on. As a full time working parent it was important for me to know that my child was safe and well taken care of. The teachers and staff were very nurturing.

  6. Hello! Very creative ideas, I love the beach ball, and the little shelves!

  7. Yeah very creative, Your Phoenix kindergarten teachers give all kind of teaching like crafting and practical activities. I am really appreciating your efforts.

  8. Our preschool class did an Under the Sea thematic unit. The students loved writing their site words in the sand. It was a great activity for them. It promotes fine motor skills. The students are always asking to write their new words in the sand! It is definitely an activity I will be using again. Thank you for sharing!

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